The meaning of used symbols
are as follows:
This arrow
tell´s you, if you
click at it you will come to the page whos content is described
in the text to the right. |
This arrow
take you to the page top
or to previous table of content if you cklick at it. |
This return-arrow
take you to previous main-page
if you click at it. |
The same vill
happen if you click at this symbol.  |
Even the colour
of the symbol means something:
This colour tell´s
you that you are somwehere at the pages "Rolling stock". |
This colour
tell´s you that you
are somwehere at the pages "standard gauge railways". |
This colour
is used at the pages "narrow
gauge railways". |
This colour
is used at the pages "
railwaymaps". |
colour is used at the pages "miscellaneous" |
NY means
that it is less than one month since the information was added
or changed.
This (1998-xx-xx) date within brackets tell´s you when
the information was added or changed. |